流動 Pocket wifi

這個流動 Pocket wifi我用了很多次了,別提有多方便了,不管是旅遊還是出差,我都會特地去租借一個的,我們這邊租一個流動 Pocket wifi也很便宜,關鍵是真的很實用,經常用的人肯定有很深的體會。記得有一次出差,就差點跟公司聯絡不上,還好我有流動 Pocket wifi,所以沒有耽誤到工作,要不然我回去,老總一定會罵死我的。現在我們公司的同事如果去國外出差的話,都會用流動 Pocket wifi,這樣的話辦公還有遊玩都比較方便,用處真的很大的。

Taipei Japanese restaurant

Our inland city here is not to eat authentic Japanese cuisine, although there has been a dream of the chance to go to Japan to say, this is still a distant dream, what time to realize didn’t know. Not the past, not Japan to Taiwan is also very good, the last time with friends to Taiwan, at the Taipei Japanese restaurant had a nice dinner, is really not the same. The friend said the Taiwan side of the Taipei Japanese restaurant is a very authentic, there are a lot of Japanese do personally, so I am with a good appetite. Maybe he can often find a friend to play, so I can often go to Taipei Japanese restaurant for dinner, I think is a very happy thing.



Taipei four star

I wanted to go out to play with my brother, because he had recently been idle at home, it is because the school and he doesn’t have to go to cram school, I just recently decided to go to the Taipei side to wander, in Taipei four star out of the room, want to take him, the results he did not wait for me to start you yourself, as if to go to his students to play, I remember he has a lot of classmates in Taipei, no wonder, follow me to go to play is certainly more comfortable with my classmates. I’m still Taipei four star booked a room for him, wanted to retire, but he said he wanted to live, so I left him, also said to the people in Taipei are all lived, would not worry about the housing problem, but his words must stay in a hotel.

東京 住宿推薦

表哥告訴我說是他要去日本出差說是他們公司不安排酒店讓他自己解決住宿的事情,表哥就說他不了解日本那邊的酒店說是我經常去日本旅遊跟出差讓我推薦一個酒店給他,說是只要酒店的環境跟服務好就可以了。聽了表哥講的事情我就把東京 住宿推薦給了表哥,表哥聽了我講的事情就說我把這個東京 住宿推薦給他,他一定會去了解一下這個酒店,聽到表哥那樣講我就說我每次去日本出差或者旅遊都是住宿在那個酒店的,那個酒店挺不錯的,表哥聽了我講的事情就說他就把住宿安排在我給他推薦的那個酒店。

京都 住宿

哥哥告訴我說是他后天就要去日本出差就問我要不要帶什麽東西回來,聽了哥哥講的事情我就讓哥哥幫我帶衣服回來哥哥也就答應了。晚上跟家人在吃飯的時候哥哥就給爸媽講了他要去日本出差的事情,爸爸就問他把酒店安排好了沒有,哥哥就告訴爸爸說是他們公司安排在京都 住宿了,爸爸聽說哥哥他們公司安排在京都 住宿就說到時候讓哥哥去京都遊玩的時候給他多拍一些照片,哥哥聽了爸爸講的事情也就答應了,我就告訴哥哥我看新聞上面說日本現在在下雪讓他多帶幾件厚衣服。





hotel in Taipei

Brother asked me to go with him to Taipei on a business trip I have promised. Back home in the evening my brother told me that he put the hotel is already scheduled for hotel in Taipei, hear brother talk about things I said he arranges for hotels will be very good, brother hear say hotel in Taipei he often went to Taipei on business will live in the wine shop that I heard brother. Say I told you he went every day to the hotel in Taipei will believe that the hotel environment must be very well, brother to hear what I say just say that the hotel environment is quite good said after I went to know, hear brother said that I said this to go to Taipei to work after I want to play in Taipei for two days and then come back.

