


Although the Pan home is very good, but I still want to buy a WMF pan, pay attention to the quality of food is very necessary, so I now would like to buy WMF, this pot of words, my people will be very like it, but I still do sometimes think, because I think you don’t have to hold this thing, also don’t know what will happen, now to buy the WMF, perhaps also cheaper, because I see their pan WMF sell is very good, if sell very well, you oneself don’t start, it certainly will not start to styles and types which you like best.





hualien attractions

University was a good friend later turned professional, the decision to study tourism, now work well. Although not, but every day is very busy. Yesterday we met out of chat for a long time, she says she now is in charge of Taiwan’s tourism project. More and more people choose to travel to Taiwan, especially the Hualien attractions, has many beautiful scenic spots there Hualien attractions, and supporting facilities are complete, is a good place for tourism. As if she didn’t tell me I. As if she didn’t tell me I didn’t know there is a place in Taiwan called Hualian, since it seems to really find a time to Hualien attractions play, listen to her cost also is not much, is the high price of tourism.

台北 鳳梨酥

周末媽媽來我這了,本來我打算回去的,可是只放了兩天假,我就想讓媽媽過來轉轉,在放假前的一天下午媽媽就坐車過來了,來的時候,媽媽給我帶了一些家里的小吃,晚上吃完飯回到我住的地方后,媽媽給我看她都給我帶了一些什麽的時候,在裏面拿出來一袋台北 鳳梨酥,我說怎麼有台北 鳳梨酥呀,媽媽說這是前段時間爸爸去台北出差的時候,回來給她帶的小吃,非常好吃,她和爸爸吃了一袋還有一袋就說是給我留著,這次就順便給我帶過來了

Taipei Boutique Hotel

Did not think I could once again come Taipei Boutique Hotel, really lucky, but this time I came to Taipei Boutique Hotel or even the same room is the same, entered the house feel everything is so familiar, so intimate , is the last to Taipei Boutique Hotel together with my wife, we played together for a few days in Taipei, this is something to work in Taipei on business, that is because the last time to my wife and we both feel that Taipei Boutique Hotel pretty good, so this time I came, Taipei Boutique Hotel is still so clean, the service is so perfect.


老公買的這個訂婚禮盒真的是太漂亮了,這種的訂婚禮盒就是我最喜歡的了。不知道老公是在哪買到這個訂婚禮盒的,我記得我在哪個商場見過這種的訂婚禮盒的,可是那會我們還沒想到要訂婚,我也就看了看,沒想著要買的,再說了我記得那個時候這種的訂婚禮盒還挺貴的呢,我也舍不得買的,没想到的是老公在我們訂婚的那天送給我了 這樣的訂婚禮盒,當時我激動的都說不出來話了。現在看著我手里拿的這個訂婚禮盒我就覺得我就是世界上最幸福的人了。