在去東京 住宿找我朋友的路上,遇到了一個外國人,他問我哪裡的酒店住宿環境好一點,我想了想我們這裡的東京 住宿就很不錯的,不然我朋友千里迢迢從中國來到日本找我來玩,我也不會把他安排在東京 住宿里啊!剛開始那對夫婦還不怎麼信任我呢,後來經過我仔細的說明之後,他們才說是要到東京 住宿呢,而剛好跟我同路,所以我就順便給他們指路嘍!我們一起到東京 住宿的時候,剛好我朋友已經收拾好了行李準備跟我一起出去玩呢。
租借 Pocket wifi
我朋友想給自己也辦理租借 Pocket wifi服務呢,可是不知道怎麼辦理,問了我我也不知道怎麼辦,因為我一般都不玩手機的。我朋友辦理租借 Pocket wifi也是為了能夠跟他在外地的男朋友可以經常聯繫,因為是異地,所以打電話相對來說還是很貴的,而且還不能 視頻,所以就聽了別人的建議想要開通租借 Pocket wifi業務呢,於是我們倆就一起到了辦理租借 Pocket wifi的營業廳,我們倆提交了資料之後,沒一會兒功夫他們就說是辦好了,我朋友一試。確實可以跟他男朋友視頻了。
kenting boutique hotel
Prior to playing, I will be a good hotel reservations in advance, but this time I and the friend go, because too anxious, so nothing arrangement, after a day of play, we can think of a place to stay, and later a friend said to be in the Kenting boutique hotel stay, is the Kenting boutique hotel very good, he had worked at the Kenting boutique hotel inside the home once, said to be living in the inside is very comfortable, I won the Kenting Boutique Hotel and a friend came, did not expect the Kenting boutique hotel inside the environment would be so good, I think this is really a good place to stay.
hotel in Taipei
Suddenly I heard that two colleagues together noisy up, I thought that was what happened, then walked to a question, the original two of them in to a hotel in the end where a dispute and, when I heard them say, I will tell them the hotel in Taipei, then the two of them can’t believe I said that hotel in Taipei, I said is not the letter, we can check in online, then was checked on the net, the fact that I say is true, the hotel in Taipei, after seeing this, the two of them is not in dispute, the three of us look at each other with a smile, a storm so calm.
hk web design
Li Gege home at night and said to my friend Mary came back, I heard my brother say that Mary came back I asked my brother is true? Brother said is true, I went directly to Mary Mary really did not expect to come back home, I asked Mary what she now works, Mary told me that she is now doing hk web in Hong Kong design work, I heard Mary hk web design work is done I feel pretty good job of Mary, Mary told me that she was in college and hope to find a job after graduation on the design of the page, now finally found a job I love her very happy to hear Mary speak as I say as long as they like to work.