我們公司要在日本建立事務所了,現在就在考察 日本 大廈。有很多地段好的 日本 大廈房租都是很貴的,但是作為發展的話肯定是絕佳的。不過還是考慮到 日本 大廈需要的成本太高。其實可以先找價格相對低一點的大廈,等發展到一定程度,有了資本之後就可以搬到 日本 大廈了。畢竟 日本 大廈所處的環境對公司的發展是很有利的,這投資還是需要的。目前已經考察到比較好的 日本 大廈,等過一段時間說不定就可以把事務所建在這裡了。
台北 太陽餅
公司的同事有一天问我们想不想吃台北 太陽餅,我们都非常的惊讶,因为大家都没有去过台湾,他是不是和我们开了一个玩笑,大家都在质疑,笑着对他说可定想吃,他直接对我们说等着过几天就到了,本来想着只是一句玩笑话逗逗大家而已,可是没想到是真的,没过几天他上班的时候就带着台北 太陽餅到公司给我们每个人发了一个,问他原因才知道,原来是他老婆前两天去出差,路过那里的时候顺便买了一些带回来的,让他请我们公司的每个人都品尝。
Ximending luxury hotel
Had been sitting is eight o’clock in the morning of the aircraft, but for some reason, aircraft take-off time suddenly the delay, have to open the mobile phone for a few hours of boring, and also check the travel to Taiwan other accommodation there, although Webpage shows a lot of, let I can’t tell which is better, so comparison for a long time, I gathered all the advantages of trying to find there is no such place, on the Webpage soon search in several places, one of which is Ximending luxury hotel, there are two I have not remember, because the name was too long, to the side of Taiwan specific location I the first time you search for Ximending luxury hotel.
台湾 凤梨酥
上次去台湾旅游回来的时候带了一些台湾 凤梨酥回来没有想到家人还挺喜欢的,特别是妈妈很喜欢吃台湾 凤梨酥。今天跟同学小玉在聊天的时候小玉就告诉我说是她这个月底要去台湾出差说是要去半个多月呢,听了小玉讲的事情我就说她从台湾回来的时候能不能帮我带一些台湾 凤梨酥回来,小玉听了我讲的事情就说她会帮我带很多台湾 凤梨酥回来的,听了小玉讲的事情我就说我到时候去机场接她,小玉听到我那样讲就说那就太好了。
函館灣拉維斯塔飯店 訂房
小王打电话过来,让我帮他在网上查一下函館灣拉維斯塔飯店 訂房情况,电话里语气比较焦急,我就问他是不是有事,他就告诉我自己在公司升职了,这段时间因为工作忙的情况,今天单位刚好放假,许多同事都要他请客吃饭,小王无奈同意了,对我说下午三点钟的时候大家准时到,希望我能帮他在函館灣拉維斯塔飯店 訂房,和他说完话后我就给他在网上查找并预定,没想到那里面还有位置,于是我果断就给他预定了。晚上小王打来电话说真的非常感谢我,要不是我今天帮他这么个大忙,他不仅完不成公司交给的任务,而且也会误了请客吃饭。
Taipei Japanese restaurant
Last friend invited us to go out to play, just after Taipei Japanese restaurant, a friend and I stopped to look inside the shop, the business is very prosperous, a friend took me to enjoy delicious, in the Taipei Japanese restaurant we met a foreign friend, because all the seats in a so talk together for a long time, the communication between us is very harmonious, the time of leaving we also and unable to part from, the way I say to the friend can continue to come to the store the next time, I hope that the foreign friends are also, can continue to exchange, to better understand each other and their national customs, this to us is also go out to play another kind of enjoyment.
Ximending boutique hotel
Have long heard that Ximending boutique hotel is very famous, but there has been no time to nearby places, this is not easy to have a holiday, I took a save half of the wage and family well out of the preparation, the specific location I can check on the Internet Ximending boutique hotel before going out, so that we can easily to find accommodation, all ready to do a good job, a week after our family boarded the plane started, the journey to know many we’ve had no contact had seen things, because we all are recorded before going out, so to play tired to find what we want accommodation is a very easy thing.