I did not expect this so easily through the Kenting Boutique Hotel interview, after graduating from University classmates around me have already started his job road. Because I is hotel management professional course, my job is to find the hotel work, I very early on about my graduation later I want to go to Kenting Boutique Hotel interview, because a Kenting Boutique Hotel Kenting boutique hotel how I feel when I very early in the environment is very good, and they the whole system is very good, I like where I graduate, I must go to the Kenting Boutique Hotel interview, did not think of is the first job yourself to interview will succeed in the interview.
Ximending accommodation
Brother phoned to say he does not back this evening, must in Ximending accommodation, I asked is how ah, he said they had just classmates in Hsimenting party today, a lot of students are long time no see, I think of the night together and have a good time, also don’t know what time would be late think of the night, in the Ximending accommodation, to come back tomorrow afternoon, I said that line to Caution!, brother said let me rest assured, they have a lot of students are here, let me give my father and mother said, don’t worry, he’ll play, comes back tomorrow, I said Mom and dad over there, I will give to say, since it is the reunion that is good fun, the brother said well he knew
日本 酒店
週一就要去日本 酒店面試了我現在特別的緊張,今天去朋友家裏玩,朋友就問我面試的事情準備的怎麼樣了,我就告訴朋友我已經準備好了只是有一些緊張,朋友聽了我講的事情就說我要是緊張的話她明天不上班了陪我一塊去日本 酒店面試,聽了朋友講的事情我就太開心了,我就說她陪我一塊去相信我一定不會緊張的,朋友聽到我那樣講就說我這次面試的工作挺不錯的,她希望我面試成功所以就陪我一塊去,聽到朋友那樣講我真是太開心了,我就告訴朋友我一定會面試成功的。
tokyo real estate
My brother told me that he is going to do Tokyo real estate, asked me what good ideas, listen to my brother’s story. I’ll tell my brother to do Tokyo real estate quite good, I had to know, brother to hear what I say just say just began to need a large sum of money that is if you can put money solution is very simple, listening to brother say things I said I have a classmate who is working in the bank if he needs money but loan I can let my classmates to help him, he heard my story would say if he considered good loans will let me, hear my brother say that I said I would help him, and I will support him.
丸駒温泉旅館 訂房
朋友告訴我說是她已經在丸駒溫泉旅館 訂房了就問我要不要跟她一塊去旅遊,聽了朋友講的事情我就說她都在丸駒溫泉旅館 訂房了我當然要跟她一塊去旅遊了,朋友聽到我那樣講就說現在出去旅遊特別的好,說是現在天氣也挺不錯的。聽了朋友講的事情我就說我也喜歡現在的天氣相信我們一定會看到不一樣的景色,朋友聽到我那樣講就說這次去旅遊她已經準備好了她的相機說是到時候一定要拍很多的照片留作紀念,聽到朋友那樣講我就說還要品嘗美食。
japan real estate
When I watch TV see TV inside tell Japan real estate thing, I understand your feeling pretty good. Today with friends when a chat I’ll give your friend tells Japan real estate thing, friends listened to my story is that she has to understand some said she plans to invest, listening to friends talk about things I said she understood clearly without investment, friends told me she knows about, said she and a classmate to work in Japan, so I understand more clearly, listening to friends talk about things I would say if she investment if I tell her a piece of investment, friends heard me say said she then informed me.
台北 太陽餅
前段時間和好朋友去臺灣玩了一趟,在那裏享受了臺灣最美的食物臺北 太陽餅,我和朋友都覺得口感不錯,因此臨走的時候還特意買了幾份,坐飛機回來給親戚家的幾個小孩子分了,他們也是第一次吃這種食物,吃完之後還不時地在我面前舔一舔手指,我突然有點無語,又感覺非常的好笑。問他們好不好吃,幾個孩子天真的樣子看著我對我說了一句特別好吃,其中一個孩子還問我還有沒有那種餅,我說這次沒了,下次出去的時候一定不會忘了回來再給你們多帶幾個臺北 太陽餅。
Taipei hotel near mrt
Had previously been from others mouth that the Taiwan hotel is not bad, I always want to know at what place, so with curiosity, with heavy luggage to Taiwan asking passers place, to hear the most is the Taipei hotel near MRT a be rather baffling feeling suddenly out, I could not say, only now in retrospect remember the hotel waiter smile on your face let me difficult to forget, perhaps this is the smile touched me, go in, service facilities are quite complete, than ever before been to a place, this place has given people the feeling is really not general, the people around are like travel, I finally know why I live here, the set of all feeling and body, no wonder I can stay there for a few days. Now when I want to introduce they often ask me where that sentence Taipei hotel near mrt.